Efektifitas Sistem RBC Pada IPAL Pekapuran Raya PD PAL Banjarmasin Terhadap Penurunan Kadar BOD

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Fidyan Hifzhani
Syarifudin A.
Arifin Arifin


Abstract : Effectiveness Of Rbc System On Wwtp (Wastewater Treatment Plant) Pekapuran Raya Wt (Wastewater Treatment) Local Company Banjarmasin To Reduce Bod Contents. Increased household activities lead to increase the volume of waste generated over time. Annually, the household waste volume increases 5 million m3. WT Local Company Banjarmasin is a wastewater management company that performs domestic sewage treatment (feces) Banjarmasin city. Application of waste treatment technology on WWTP Banjarmasin is RBC system. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of RBC system on WT Local Company Banjarmasin to reduce BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand). This type of study was analytic. The study design used one group pretest posttest design. The place of study was WWTP Pekapuran Raya WT Local Company Banjarmasin 2017. The study population was wastewater from inlet and outlet pipes. Sample was wastewater taken inlet and outlet pipe tanks. The result showed BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) contents in the wastewater sample before it was processed of 130.97 mg/L, 116.98 mg/L, and 193.45 mg/l. After it was processed of 13.81 mg/L, 20.138 mg/L, and 30.216 mg/L. The effectiveness of RBC system on the reduce of BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) in WWTP Pekapuran Raya WT Local Company Banjarmasin was 89.37% for first day, 80.51% for second day and 83.73% for the third day. There were differences before and after BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) treated by RBC in WWTP Pekapuran Raya WT Local Company Banjarmasin.

Keywords: WWTP; RBC system; BOD.

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